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Monday, June 27, 2011

Chinese Herbal Recipes Home

Chinese Herbal Recipes Home

Welcome to Chinese Herbal Recipes Home which was created to help cleanse and rejuvenate your body enable you to stay younger and healthier with chinese herbal recipes.

In both traditional Chinese cuisine as well as herbal medicine, there has never been a strict distinction between the roles of "food" and "medicine" in the kitchen or the clinic. One of the most basic premises of traditional Chinese medical therapy states, "When illness occurs, first try to cure it with food; only when food fails should one resort to herbal medicines." This means two things: first, that properly prepared food which has been correctly balanced for specific conditions is always the best cure; second, that food is always the best means for delivering medicinal herbs, especially tonics, into the human system. Tonics such as Ginseng and Wolfberry, for example, are more therapeutically effective and readily absorbed into the body when they are taken with fortifying foods such as chicken and pigeon than when administered alone. Only when a person's condition precludes such foods are the herbs prescribed alone as decoctions, powders, or pills.

Cooking food with medicinal herbs to increase both their therapeutic and nutritional values is one of the most ancient and original principles in traditional Chinese cuisine. Indeed, within the royal palaces and wealthy households of ancient China, it was always the custom to retain professional herbalists to formulate all of the chinese herbal recipes prepared in the kitchen, after which the cooks did the actual cooking. Herbalists decided which medicinal herbs should be combined with which foods, and these chinese herbal recipes have remained an integral part of traditional Chinese recipes down to the present day, which explains why therapeutically potent herbs such as garlic, ginger and spring onions appear in almost every Chinese dish.

n addition to the basic herbs used to balance both the flavours and essential energies in food, the medicinal herb most highly favoured in Chinese herbal cooking is the tonic variety. Tonic dishes are specially blended combinations of fortifying foods and tonifying herbs, and their primary functions are to increase strength and stamina, enhance energy and immunity, boost sexual vitality and fertility, and prolong life. While many tonic dishes also have curative value for various common illnesses, their main role is to keep people healthy and make them stronger, and extend the enjoyment and vital functions of life to a ripe old age.

Chinese Herbal Recipes Recent News and Update

Chinese Herbal Recipes Home was created to help cleanse and rejuvenate your body enable you to stay younger and healthier with chinese herbal recipes.
02-jun-09 - updated most of the file in Chinese Herbal Recipes Home
Chinese Herbal Recipes Home was created to help cleanse and rejuvenate your body enable you to stay younger and healthier with chinese herbal recipes.
28-may-09 - Created Chinese Herbal Recipes Home to share with those who are interested in cleansing and rejuvenate your body enable you to stay younger and healthier with chinese herbal recipes.

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