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Monday, June 20, 2011

Chinese Food, Chinese cuisine, Chinese cooking - Northern ...

Northern Chinese Cuisine

Northern Chinese cuisine refers to the cooking in the areas north of the Yangzi River, such as Hebei (which surrounds Beijing, Capitol of China), Henan, Shandong, Zhanxi and Liaoning. Since the climate is hot and dry during summers and freezing cold during winters in this part of China, northern Chinese people opt for more solid, nourishing beef, lamb and duck meat. Garlic, leeks and scallions are heavily used in northern Chinese cooking. Instead of rice, wheat is the main grain in northern China. Noodles and pancakes made from wheat flour constitute the important portion of many meals. Dumplings are a very popular Chinese food in this area.

Chinese Tea Overview

China is the homeland of tea. Tea production in China has more than 5,000 years of history. Tea from China has always been an important Chinese export for more than a thousand years. Chinese tea in the world enjoy prestigious reputation. The words for tea as a drink in many countries are derivatives from Chinese word "Cha". Tea in Russian is called "cha'i", which sounds like "chaye" (tea leave) in Chinese Mandarin language. "Tea" in English sounds similar to the pronunciation of Xiamen dialect in China. Tea in Japanese is written exactly the same as in Chinese, though pronounced slightly different. Offer tea to guests and appreciate tea with friends are Chinese elegant entertainment and social activities. Sitting in teahouse or having tea parties is very popular among social groups. 

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