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Monday, July 4, 2011

Chinese Wolfberry Pigeon Stew - Chinese Herbal Recipes

Chinese Wolfberry Pigeon Stew - Chinese Herbal Recipes

Chinese Wolfberry Pigeon Stew - Chinese Herbal Recipes. In Chinese herbal cooking, Chinese Wolfberry ( gou qizi  ) has been renowned for centuries for its potent tonic and aphrodisiac properties, as well as its sweet flavour. Wolfberry promotes hormone secretions in both men and women, increases strength and stamina, and is a strong yang energy tonic. Wild Yam ( huai shan  ) further boosts hormone production and also enhances immune response. And since pigeon is one of the most potent of all tonic foods on the Chinese menu, this dish provides a powerful boost to sexual vitality in both men and women, and also serves to balance the entire endocrine system.
Chinese Wolfberry Pigeon Stew - Chinese Herbal Recipes was created to help cleanse and rejuvenate your body enable you to stay younger and healthier with chinese herbal recipes.

Chinese Wolfberry Pigeon Stew Ingredient - Chinese Herbal Recipes:

Chinese Wolfberry Pigeon Stew - Chinese Herbal Recipes was created to help cleanse and rejuvenate your body enable you to stay younger and healthier with chinese herbal recipes. 4 fresh whole pigeons
Chinese Wolfberry Pigeon Stew - Chinese Herbal Recipes was created to help cleanse and rejuvenate your body enable you to stay younger and healthier with chinese herbal recipes. 1¼ litres (5 cups) water
Chinese Wolfberry Pigeon Stew - Chinese Herbal Recipes was created to help cleanse and rejuvenate your body enable you to stay younger and healthier with chinese herbal recipes. 15 gm Chinese Wolfberry ( gou qizi  ), rinsed
Chinese Wolfberry Pigeon Stew - Chinese Herbal Recipes was created to help cleanse and rejuvenate your body enable you to stay younger and healthier with chinese herbal recipes. 20 slices Wild Yam ( huai shan ), rinsed
Chinese Wolfberry Pigeon Stew - Chinese Herbal Recipes was created to help cleanse and rejuvenate your body enable you to stay younger and healthier with chinese herbal recipes. 2 tablespoons Chinese Shao Xing wine
Chinese Wolfberry Pigeon Stew - Chinese Herbal Recipes was created to help cleanse and rejuvenate your body enable you to stay younger and healthier with chinese herbal recipes. 1 teaspoon salt, or to taste

Chinese Wolfberry Pigeon Stew Method - Chinese Herbal Recipes:

1. Wash and clean the pigeons, then quarter each. Bring a pot of water to a boil, drop the pigeon into the boiling water and briefly poach for a few seconds. Quickly remove them from the pan and set aside on a platter.

2. In a stockpot, bring the water and herbs to a boil. Add the pigeon and wine, and return to a boil. Reduce the heat to low, cover with a lid and simmer for 2 hours. Remove from the heat, season with the salt and serve immediately in individual serving bowls. 

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